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Admissions Next Steps

You've just been accepted to Snow College - congratulations!

This is the beginning of your new adventure in the U.S.A. with a top American college.

为了帮助你在准备去美国学习时保持条理,我们把 together a list of the steps you need to take next and important deadlines.

Have you finished those 4 steps? Then you can move to the next stage as you prepare for your arrival.

1. First things first… let’s make this official

我们向你提供了一份工作,我们真的很高兴你能成为我们的一员 the Snow College community. In order to secure your place, please login to your student portal.

To begin, login now to set your password for My.Snow.Edu and Canvas.

My.Snow.Edu: 这是我们的学生门户网站,允许您访问重要信息,接受 奖学金和经济援助,注册课程,支付学费.

Canvas: 这是你的学习管理系统,在这里你可以访问你的课程和作业.

  • Go to
  • Enter your Username provided to you in your admit email or welcome letter; this is your full Snow College email (
  • Click Submit.
  • 设置密码,长度为15个字符,必须包含大写字母 and a number or special character.
  • Finish the process by setting up two-factor authentication.

For further instructions or assistance, please go to our IT website. If you need help, you can submit a Support Ticket via the site or send an email to or call +1-435-283-777.

Then you can start using your new Snow College Office 365 Email.

Each student is assigned an Office 365 college email account. 请注意,今后所有与PG电子官方免费下载的通信都将发送到这个新邮箱 address. Please be sure to check your emails regularly!

  • Access your new account at
  • Your login name is the same as your Snow College email (
  • Your password is the same one you use for My.Snow.Edu.

If you have questions, please see our FAQs or explore the helpful resources at or contact us by email ude.wons@lanoitanretni.

2. 拿到你的I-20移民文件,支付你的注册押金和Sevis费用

作为一名国际学生,你需要I-20表格作为法律文件 that enables you to study in the U.S. The Form I-20 is an important document that you should keep safe at all times 因为你在整个国际学生生活中都需要它. Learn more about the I-20 form on the Department of Homeland Security website.

PG电子官方免费下载是一所学生和交流访问学者计划(SEVP)认证的学校 as such, international students will receive a Form I-20 from Snow. 收到斯诺大学的录取通知书后,你会收到I-20 you need in order to get your student visa.


  • Check the details to ensure all the information is accurate.
  • Print and sign it.
  • 记下你的SEVIS ID号,它位于随你的录取通知书一起发送的I-20上 letter.
  • 你还应该注意你的I-20上的PG电子官方免费下载的学校代码. You will need to put this code on your visa application form.
一旦我们寄给你I-20,你就可以提前申请F-1学生签证了. 我们强烈建议您尽快申请,因为有很多步骤 ahead and delays can occur.


You can pay the deposit online. 如果您无法在该网站上使用信用卡,您也可以付款 via Flywire or PayMyTuition.

Why do we ask you to pay a deposit?

PG电子官方免费下载要求所有新录取的国际学生支付500美元的注册费 押金,以确认您的出勤,并确保您在即将到来的学期的空间. 通过支付这笔款项,它让我们知道你要来,所以我们可以准备一切 为你,并确保我们有足够的资源来支持你. Spaces 对于某些课程来说是有限的,所以这也确保了你有一个位置,它使 我们会让您随时了解重要事项,以确保您不会错过任何截止日期.

通过向PG电子官方免费下载支付入学押金,这也显示了额外的证据 你对在斯诺学习的真正兴趣和你在美国学习的意图.S. 这份确认书将是您在签证面谈时携带的重要文件.

How is the deposit used?

这500美元的押金将在您注册课程后全额用于学费. 如果您无法安排您的签证面谈由于签证等待时间或您是 如果你的签证被拒签,我们可以将你的入学和存款推迟到下一个学期,或者 refund you the money (minus $50 for banking and administrative fees). If you enter the U.S. 如果你没能在PG电子官方免费下载注册,你就会被开除 forfeit the deposit and your I-20 will be cancelled.


在你通过支付押金与PG电子官方免费下载确认你的位置之后,你就可以 begin the process to obtain your F-1 student visa.

为了获得学生签证,你首先需要向美国移民局支付I-901 SEVIS费用.S. government.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start at for an overview of the process, FAQs, and access to helpful videos. In some countries, 你可以用信用卡在网上支付,而其他国家要求你用支票支付 or money order. You can follow these instructions to pay by Western Union.
  2. Go to to pay. The cost for a student on a non-immigrant F-1 visa is $350.
  3. Remember get a printed copy of your receipt – you will need it later! The payment confirmation can be printed from the website anytime. After entering your SEVIS ID,姓氏和出生日期,您将能够打印您的付款确认.

3. Apply for your International Student Visa

Great job – you’ve made it to this next step! At this stage, you should already have 你的录取通知书,I-20移民表,以及确认信 that your $500 enrollment deposit was paid to Snow College. You should also have a receipt for paying your I-901 SEVIS fee to the U.S. government.

接下来,你必须申请你的学生签证,支付签证申请费,并安排时间 an in-person appointment.

有几种申请非移民签证的方法-过程可能会有所不同 U.S. Embassy or Consulate, so you should check with your nearest one. Most international 学生将填写在线DS-160申请表并按照说明进行申请 shown on the U.S. Department of State Government website.

We also encourage you to:

  • Carefully review the Student Visa page on the government website which has more information about the application process and visa interview.
  • Read through the FAQs 在填写DS-160申请表之前,请在政府网站上查询 签证,这样你就可以确切地知道会发生什么,你需要准备什么信息 when you begin your online application.

填写完DS-160表格后,请务必打印一份收据 支付你的F-1签证申请,以及确认页,其中包含 your application ID number and shows you completed the process.

Make an appointment at your nearest embassy or consulate.

完成在线签证申请流程后,您应该安排 an appointment for your visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you live. You may schedule your interview at another U.S. Embassy or Consulate, 但请注意,在国外申请签证可能会更加困难 where you reside.

Important tip! The wait times to get a visa appointment can be very long. Please check the official government website to see the estimated wait time and plan ahead!

Check the wait time

4. Get ready for your visa interview

Please be sure to read all the information on the Student Visa page of the U.S. government website 哪一个有更多关于你需要携带的签证文件的细节 面试和如何准备,以及如果你愿意,你需要采取的步骤 change your status at any point in the future.

Take all required documents to the Embassy or Consulate.

Please be sure to have printed copies of your documents, as digital copies will not be accepted. Please check your emails to ensure you have received all the documents you may need from Snow College.

You must bring the following documents with you to your visa appointment:

  • Passport, valid for at least six months.
  • Immigration Form I-20 from Snow College.
  • SEVIS Form I-901 payment receipt.
  • Printed receipt for payment of F-1 visa application.
  • 您的在线DS-160的确认页(上面有您的申请ID号) application.
  • 证明您有能力支付学杂费的财务文件(包括任何其他费用) scholarship letters you may have received).
  • 雪学院录取通知书及收到入学保证金证明 payment.

Tips for preparing for your interview:

A visa interview is considered to be a formal event. As such, business clothes are appropriate and will give a good impression.

Be clear and specific, but do not memorize a speech. The officers want you to be honest, natural and authentic.

The F-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa. Please be prepared to answer questions about 你未来的计划,比如你获得学位后要申请的工作. You should be able to clearly answer the following questions:

  • "Why did you choose Snow College?" If you met with us at an education fair, please share what you learned by talking with us.
  • "How are you paying for your education?" You must show that you can afford to study in America. Remember: education first, employment second.
  • "What are your plans after you complete your degree?" Even if you don’t know exactly what you want to do, you should have an idea. For example, if you aim to continue for another degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc.) after graduation, then this is a great time to mention our 2 + 2 partnerships with universities where you can transfer to after Snow College. Or, if you plan to return home to work 在你从斯诺获得副学士学位后,你可以解释教育是如何进行的 from Snow will help you apply for certain types of jobs back home.


Good luck with your visa interview! After you have finished these steps, you can move to the next stage as you prepare for your arrival.